Hackwood Primary Academy

The Big Build Project

Owl Class was pleased to be asked by Brian from Morgan Sindall, who built our lovely school, to take part in a big competition. They had to use recyclable materials to build a structure. As the class have been studying the Egyptians this term it was decided to build a pyramid. The class worked with Mrs Binoy and Brian to plan their ideas. They learnt about how the environment is being damaged by wasting plastic and by cutting down trees. The class enjoyed working with Brian and his term of Arthur, Rory and James to contruct the frame from sustainable wood. They used the saws, screwdriver and nails safely. Working in small groups they each got to take their turn. There were 2 groups making the frame for the pyramid, 1 group putting the cardboard on it and 1 group making the mummy to go inside. We hope our structure will be the biggest and the best and will let you know if we win. All the children are looking forward to receiving their certificate and 'fun pack' for entering. Thanks Brian for working in partnership with Hackwood. Great job children!

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