Hackwood Primary Academy

Year 1 - Woodpeckers 2024 - 2025

Miss Hussain

Welcome to the Woodpecker class!

We are so proud of the way all of the children have settled into their new class with a fantastic attitude and readiness to learn. It is lovely to see each child grow in confidence and independence each day.

Year One begins a journey into Key Stage One, so it's a very important year! We do lots of hands on learning through our inspiring and creative curriculum. We look forward to sharing our exciting news with you about all the fantastic things that happen in our class. The children have already taken part in a fantastic Toys workshop led by ‘Partake’ events and learned about how Toys have changed throughout the years.

 Here are a few things you might like to know about our year group:

PE Days

Please ensure you come to school in the correct PE kit.


Spellings will be sent out every Tuesday and the spelling test will be held the following Monday. Please practise the spellings with your child, encouraging them to use the words in sentences too.


Please read with your child regularly. Children in Year One will complete a Phonics Screening in Summer term. It is essential that they read regularly to develop their ability to decode words fluently so they are well prepared for this screening and meet age-related expectations at the end of the year.

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